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7th May 2014

Summer Studentships - Round Three

Apply now for our third round of Bridging the Gaps Summer Studentships. Deadline for applications - Monday 26th May at 5pm.

These awards are available to current undergraduate students (UK/Home, EU and Overseas) at UCL. Summer Studentships allow undergraduate students to experience research, funding up to 10 weeks of research. The project must involve two supervisors from two different departments at UCL.

What is supported?

Studentships support a maximum of 10 weeks of work. This support will be divided into three parts.

1) A subsistence allowance of £200/week.

2) A sum of £300 towards materials related costs that derive from the research project.

3) Travel costs will be provided in exceptional circumstances, or where the needs of the project require it.

How to apply:

Students and supervisors make a joint, one-page application, using the application form below. This application should outline the project and give a summary of what the student will gain from the work. The student should also send their curriculum vitae. Applications should be sent to Sarah Wilkes at the Institute of Making - research{at}


The deadline for applications is the 5pm on the 26th May 2014. Decisions will be made shortly after the deadline date.

Selection criteria:

Projects should have the potential to bridge the gaps between disciplines on the topic of materials and making. Preference will be given to students and researchers that actively engage with the Instiute of Making. Preference will be given to projects that initiate a new collaboration between departments at UCL.

Who will make decisions?

A committee ranks both the applications and the students. Projects with the highest ranking will be supported, subject to the availability of funds. Students and supervisors will be notified shortly after the application deadlines. All applications will be considered, though we cannot guarantee all will be funded.

After the award:

All research projects must be completed by the 28th August 2014. Students will be required to document their research experience, providing a couple of images and a one-page summary of their achievements and experience that may be used on the Institute of Making blog ( or in annual reports to celebrate the outcomes of the studentship.

Download the application form here.

Read about previous Summer Studentship projects here.

For information, contact research{at}