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Member Masterclass: Build a Stone Lamp

Member Events

Join Micaella Pedros, social entrepreneur and product designer, to build a stone lamp from scratch using her unique plastic bottle joinery technique developed while at the Royal College of Art. 

The masterclass will begin with a demonstration by Micaella, after which participants will choose their own stone and wood components for the lamp and spend the morning learning how to burn, carve and varnish the wooden parts as Micaella does for her designs. In the afternoon, the lamp circuitry will be assembled and you will learn the unique technique of bottle joinery to hold the different parts of your design together and finalise your lamp!

Micaella says about her bottle joinery technique:

"Plastic bottles are everywhere around us, which makes it such an accessible and available material. When I discovered its potential to form a join, I was amazed by the fact that anyone can do it. There is something quite satisfying and magical about it. Everyone encounters plastic bottles, and learning about a new way to make use of them could inspire people to try it out themselves." 
Instagram @joiningbottles
Twitter: @micaellapedros
#joiningbottles #joiningbottlesworkshop

Event location

Institute of Making Bloomsbury
University College London
Malet Place
More details about Bloomsbury

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We look forward to seeing you soon!