Member Online Workshop: Bags 4 Life Plastic Upcycling
Member Events
In this workshop, technician Josie will show you how to create fabric from old plastic bags, and turn these into fresh re-usable tote bags that should last a lifetime. You don't need pattern cutting skills or sewing skills for this workshop, just an iron and some baking paper. The workshop will incorporate collage to construct garments with the edge of the iron or hair straighteners.
To take part in the session you will need:
• 4 or more used plastic bags (any plastic bag works but the thick ‘20p’ bags are the best, make sure they are clean and dry, ask your neighbours or friends if you don't have used plastic bags but don't get new bags from the shop for this)
• Iron or hair straighteners
• Ironing board
• greaseproof baking paper
• scissors
• biro
• ruler
• scissors
• clips (bulldog clips, paper clips or hair slides)
• heavy-ish book
• oven glove
Josie King is a designer and maker who has joined the Institute of Making team as a Technician for 2020. Last year, Josie ran the makerspace Machines Room and before that she worked at Green Labs, Participatory City and Goldsmiths teaching and running events. Her personal making practice is rooted in play; less of an artisan more of a 'master of none’, Josie is interested in awkward materials and processes as a way of learning. For example, ’slime on legs' furniture series was made in collaboration with traditional craftsmen and induced improvisation and play back into the making process.
Images courtesy of Josie King.
Event location
University College London
Malet Place
Do you have specific access requirements?
Please let us know if you have any access requirements in order to attend this booking by emailing
Contact if you have any additional questions.
We look forward to seeing you soon!