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Member Online Workshop: Photographing Ceramics

Member Events

In this workshop, technician and potter Darren Ellis will show you how to simply but effectively photograph your ceramics from home.

The first half of the workshop will look at fundamentals such as lighting, lenses, framing, staging and backgrounds, and different camera settings in direct relation to photographing pottery. In the second half of the workshop we will get hands on and start photographing our pieces, while Darren shows his own set up and equipment, and is on hand to instruct and advise on yours. 

Don't have a 'professional' camera at hand? No worries! We want you to bring whatever form of equipment you have to photograph your work with - whether that's a phone or a camera. This way you can get to grips with a new photography style using what you have at home; plenty of potters, makers and artists take beautiful and sophisticated pictures using basic tools.

To join in, participants will need:

- 1 or 2 pieces of your own ceramic or glass work to photograph (if you have a different type of work you can email us to check if it is suitable for joining the workshop with).
- A fairly plain background with natural light (for example, near a window), and a few props to style your pieces with.
- A camera or phone to take your photos with.
- A separate laptop or phone to join the online workshop video call with.

Images courtesy of Darren Ellis.

Event location

Institute of Making Bloomsbury
University College London
Malet Place
More details about Bloomsbury

Do you have specific access requirements?

Please let us know if you have any access requirements in order to attend this booking by emailing

Contact if you have any additional questions.

We look forward to seeing you soon!