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Public Open Day: Clay & Ceramics

Public Events

Join us for an extravaganza of materials and making around the theme of Clay & Ceramics.

Have a go at making your own clay pot, and squidge impressions into 3 types of clay with Studio Manifold. Build a mini brick wall and make your own bricks with a brickie. Watch magnificent throwing demos by master potter Darren Ellis. Learn how ceramic bioactive scaffolding can help rebuild broken bone, with Imperial's Biomaterials Research Group. Rummage through some ancient fragments of ceramics dug from the Thames with archeologist Michael Webber. 

In our wondrous Materials Library we will be joined by Clayground Collective who have collected numerous clays, dug from around the world and brought back to London by volunteers. 

This event is part of a wider event called Make:Shift:Do; in partnership with the Crafts Council, the V&A, Ultimaker, and the Royal Commission for the Exhibition of 1851.


Event location

Institute of Making Bloomsbury
University College London
Malet Place
More details about Bloomsbury

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We look forward to seeing you soon!