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Contact the Materials Library

Find out more below about Materials Library enquiries specifically. For all other contact information visit Contact Us.

Materials Library FAQs

Explore our frequently asked questions about the Materials Library. Can't find the answer you're looking for? Get in touch with us using the enquiry form below.

  • UCL staff and students can access the Materials Library by becoming a member of the Institute of Making and taking part in a New Members Introduction, during which you will learn how to use the collection on a day-to-day basis.

    We currently don’t have the capacity to organise visits for external students, researchers, teachers or companies. We hope this will change next year, but in the meantime please register interest in visiting us using the form below, or come speak to us at the next public open day.

  • If you have something you think should be in our collection, please do get in touch using the enquiry form below, giving as much information as possible. We have limited space so can’t give a home to every material, but we love to hear from fellow materials enthusiasts.

  • Unfortunately we aren’t able to loan out items from our collection, and we don’t supply materials.

  • Please contact us via our enquiry form if you would like to use high-res images of our materials.

  • We try to give as much time as we can to anyone wanting to set up their own materials library. Please get in touch using the enquiry form below and give as much detail as possible about the remit and purposes of your collection.

  • UCL students and staff can talk to us about projects as soon as they've completed the New Member Introduction by making an appointment with the materials librarian Sarah Wilkes using the form below. 

    We currently don’t have the capacity to deal with research and teaching requests from other universities, schools or external companies. We hope this will change next year, but in the meantime please come and speak to us at the next public open day.

Submit an Enquiry

If you have something you think should be in our collection please do get in touch using the form below, giving as much information as possible. We have limited space so can’t give a home to every material, but we love to hear from fellow material enthusiasts.

UCL staff and students can access the Materials Library by becoming a member of the Institute of Making and taking part in a New Members Induction, during which you will learn how to use the collection on a day-to-day basis.

We currently don’t have the capacity to organise visits for external companies, researchers or teachers. We hope this will change in the next year but in the meantime please come and speak to us at the next Public Open Day.

We try to give as much time as we can to anyone setting up their own Materials library.

If you’d like advice about setting up your own library, please get in touch with the Materials Librarian Sarah ( and give as much detail as possible about the remit and purpose of your collection.

Please contact us using the form below if you would like to use high-res images of our materials.

Please get in touch with the Materials Librarian Sarah ( about media enquiries.

Materials Library image request

Register your interest

UCL staff and students can talk to us about projects as soon as they’ve completed the New Member Induction.

If you’ve completed your New Member Induction, fill in the form below to make an appointment with Sarah, the Materials Librarian.

We currently don’t have the capacity to deal with teaching and research requests from external companies, researchers or teachers. We hope this will change in the next year, but in the meantime please come and speak to us at the next Public Open Day.

Tell us more about the material

If you’d like to register interest in future visits to the library, please fill in the form below and we’ll be in touch once we start organising visits again.

Material form
Health and safety: do any of the following apply to the material? Tick all that are relevant
Purpose for use of image