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How to access this tool

Drop-in use

Drop into the workshop during our opening hours to use this tool, but ask a technician if you need any training first.

Key information

Yellow tools require further training. Training will be available either in the form of a bookable tool training session, or by dropping into the space and making an arrangement with a technician.

The Ultimakers use a technology called Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF) or Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM). This technology works by moving a printhead and depositing melted filament on a glass build plate to slowly build up an object.

Our Ultimakers print in PLA plastic and are good general-purpose printers with a high enough level of accuracy for lots of projects.

The Ultimaker S3 is a newer model with a slightly larger build volume than the Ultimaker 2 and 2+, and has different features such as a touch screen and enclosed front. It also has dual extrusion nozzles to allow printing in either two different colours or one colour and a dissolvable PVA support material. This is useful when working with prints that have complex overhangs that would be difficult to clean up if they were printed on a single nozzle FDM printer.

Please note

While 3D printing can be a useful fabrication method for many projects, it is a slow process and best used for prototyping and low-volume manufacturing.

Try to avoid using 3D printing and use other workshop machinery for simpler shapes, which is usually faster and more efficient.

What can I use this tool for?

Projects that need specific or customised parts that would be tricky to make in any other way.

Physical production of CAD models that have been designed or downloaded. This can include anything from: parts for robots, elements of mechanical mechanisms, architectural models, artwork, or even miniature characters for table top gaming.

Models that are generated from scanned data such as MRI, laser scans or photogrammetry.

Materials used with this tool

  • PLA (White) - 2.85mm
  • PVA (Natural) - 2.85mm

What training do I need to use this tool?

To use our 3D printers you will need to book and attend the 3D print - Ultimaker Tool Training session.

When you have completed the tool training session you will be able to use an Ultimaker S3 on a first-come-first-served basis.

Technical specifications

Specification Details
Build Volume 330 x 240 x 300 mm
Layer Thickness 0.06 - 0.2mm
Input File Format .stl .slc .obj and .thing files
Slicer Cura